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start codon in a sentence

"start codon" in Chinese  "start codon" meaning  


  • The methionine codon AUG is also the most common start codon.
  • This gene has a nonsynonymous nucleotide polymorphism at its start codon.
  • VP2 is translated from a non-canonical start codon GUG.
  • It is located just downstream of the AUG start codon.
  • ORF, whose start codon is located within uORF2.
  • The exon that is skipped possesses the initiation start codon to produce parathyroid hormone.
  • The cHP hairpin is located within the capsid coding region between two AUG start codons.
  • Translation of this protein is initiated at a non-AUG ( AUA ) start codon.
  • The cHP cis element has been shown to direct translation start from the suboptimal first start codon.
  • Eighteen bases coding six histidines are inserted right after the START codon or right before the STOP codon.
  • It's difficult to see start codon in a sentence .
  • In particular, eIF1 dissociation from the 40S subunit is considered to be a key step in start codon recognition.
  • To do this, they perform homologous recombination and eliminate the predicted start codon and the following 47 amino acids.
  • The stop codon of the 24 kDa ORF and the start codon of the 12 kDa ORF overlap one another.
  • The ribosome begins at the start codon of RNA ( AUG ) and ends at the stop codon ( UAG ).
  • The pairedless proteins possess molecular weights of 43, 33, or 32kDa, depending on the particular start codon used.
  • An alternate translation start codon has been identified, which results in isoforms differing in the N-terminal extracellular tail.
  • Methionine is also the start codon ( AUG ) in the genetic code, and so protein biosynthesis begins with methionine.
  • Additionally, other types of new data, such as ribosome profiling data, can be used to identify start codons.
  • There are 3 mechanisms that the 40S ribosome can come to recognize the start codon : scanning, internal entry, and shunting.
  • Additionally, a " start codon ", and three " stop codons " indicate the beginning and end of the protein coding region.
  • More Sentences:  1  2  3
How can I put and write and define start codon in a sentence and how is the word start codon used in a sentence and examples? start codon造句, start codon造句, 用start codon造句, start codon meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.